Purgatory soul. 14 stations
Help The Holy Souls The Greatest Act Of Charity is to Help Those Who Can't Help Themselves Meditations on the Stations of the Cross for Holy Souls 1st Station – Jesus is condemned to death We adore you o Christ and we praise you, because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world Meditation – Let us go back to the Garden of Olives, where Jesus saw the sins of the world. He also saw luke warm souls, who would know what he had done for them, and still would turn their back on his love. This caused him the greatest pain, this caused the agony. The creator still longed to die for these people to give them every chance. His love is not conditional like ours. Do we only love those who love us? His apostles ran away, and Judas betrayed him with a kiss. Only one apostle was going to follow Him to calvary. The guards savagely took our Lord, and beat him. They took him to the Chief Priest’s House where they lied and accused him, they spat at him...